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Wednesday 8-29-18

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5 2-minute rounds of:
10 burpees
200-m sprint
Max-rep burpees

55+ RX

Reduce the reps so that the first set of burpees and run
take no more than 90 seconds. Each round should be an all-out sprint.

Beginner Option
4 2-minute rounds of:
5 burpees
200-m sprint
Max-rep burpees

Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

Monday 8-27-18

By: 0


Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes perform:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

55+ RX

If you fall behind the clock, keep going for
30 minutes and see how many rounds you can complete.

If you’ve done and finished the workout before RX,
this time add 1 rep to each exercise
i.e., 6 pull-ups, 11 push-ups, and 16 squats each minute
and see if you can go the full 30 minutes with this rep scheme

For intermediate athletes, this benchmark has a built-in scale by requiring you to continue
after you fail to meet the interval. Newer athletes should modify t
he movements and reps but try to maintain a similar interval structure.

Beginner Option
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes perform:
3 jumping pull-ups
6 knee push-ups
9 squats

If you fall behind the clock, keep going for 20 minutes
and see how many rounds you can complete.

Saturday 8-25-18

By: 0

Teams of 2
5 Rounds
30 DB DL [15 each] (50#/35#)
24 DB Hang Power Cleans [12 each]
18 DB Shoulder to OH [9 each]

55+ RX

You go – I go style, where one partner completes half the reps of the
modality, then the other athlete goes. Back and forth until 5 rounds have been completed.

Pick a weight that you can cycle VERY fast and give your partner minimal rest before they must go again.

Those who foam roll together, stay together 🙂 Albert, Joe, and Sarah show up early to the 5:30am class (yea! early to that class!!) to make sure they spend a little time prepping the body. Be more like them! 

Friday 8-24-18

By: 0

Back Squat
Find a 20RM

Time to test our Stregnth Endurance. We will take the hour to find a highvrep back squat.
We’ve seen this test take someone over a minute and a half to complete 20 reps!!! That’s a ton of time under tension. When done properly we usually see that it takes an athlete about 5-7 second to complete one rep. This is counting the down phase, struggle on the way up, and rest at the top before completing their next rep.
It’s not only a test of strength, but a mental test as well. Fuel up tonight and be ready to hit it hard tomorrow!

Coast Ranger and Coast Range Nutrition Client J.R. has seen great improvement in his riding since working with our Nutrition team. What do you want to get better at? Nutrition can help! Hit up our coaches at for a free one on one consult. 

Thursday 8-23-18

By: 0

10 Rounds For time
10 Power Snatches (95#/65#)
10 bar facing burpees

55 + RX
7 Rounds for time
10 power snatches (75#/55#)
10 bar facing burpees

A light weight on the barbell, but the total reps will eventually make you break up the snatches. Ideally it’s something you can do in two sets or less.
The goal is to practice cycling the barbell today. Setting yourself back up into a good starting position every time. Avoid allowing the chest to shoot towards the floor and the hip to sit to high when you return the bar to the floor.
Instead, take the time to work on re-establishing the hook grip on the way down, keeping the bar close to the body, and getting into as perfect a set up position as you can every rep.

Be smart on the bar facing burpees. Pick a moderate to slow pace that you can keep for all ten rounds. Avoid coming out too hot and dying in the 5th round.

Think of today as an opportunity to “train” your ability to cycle the olympic lift and work on your pace on the bar facing burpee. Don’t chase a time, rather chase as good of movement as you can.

Coach Adelina taking our “Pre Teens” through the importance of healthy eating and exercise. Does  your kid want to try out our CF Kids class? Come on by! They can try a week free. Classes are held T-W-Th each week. 

Wednesday 8-22-18

By: 0

5 Shoulder to OH (115#/75#)
10 DL (115#/75#)
15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

55+ RX
5 Shoulder to OH (95#/55#)
10 DL (95#/55#)
15 Box Jumps (20″ for both men and women)

An old open workout that forces you to keep moving non-stop for 10 minutes.
These are the kid of workouts you see on paper and think… “oh that doesn’t look too bad” then end up on the floor in a pile of sweat wondering what just happened to you.
Unbroken and pushing just below your red-line the entire time, today is about testing you mental fortitude and how much you’re willing to suffer.

Pick a weight on the barbell that feels moderate on the shoulder to OH and very light on the deadlift. Same weight for both.

Box Jump height should be something you can rebound and move at a good pace for 15 reps.

It’s Wednesday… Hang in there! You’re almost over the mid week hump. 

Tuesday 8-21-18

By: 0

4 KB snatches [2 R / 2 L] (70#/53#)
8 CTB Pull ups
12 Wall Balls (20#/14#)

55+ RX
4 KB snatches [2 R / 2 L] (53#/35#)
8 CTB Pull ups
12 Wall Balls (14#/10#)

The goal of today’s workout, is continuos movement. Pick a weight on the KB that feels heavy in your hand, but allows you to do two unbroken reps and work on the skill of transferring the kettle bell to the opposite hand, without having to set it down.
Pick a weight for the wall ball that you can perform 12 unbroken reps.

Constantly moving, very few breaks, lots of sweat are the themes today! Enjoy.

Congrats to Coast Range Nutrition client Alyssa Hawley on her recent Spartan Race 1st place finish! 

We will be holding our “Back on track” nutrition challenge October 1st. More info to come soon. 

Monday 8-20-18

By: 0

5 handstand push ups
10 alternating pistols
100m Sprint

55+ RX
5 DB Push Press (50#/35#)
10 Alternating pistols
100 m sprint

The goal of the HS push ups is to develop OH pressing strength and core stability awareness. Choose a modification that allows you to get 5 reps unbroken each round. This could mean for some, scaling UP to a strict HSPU if 5 is something you can do unbroken no problem.

For others, options include:
Decreasing R.O.M. by adding skull matts under head
Pike up on box
Pike up on box with hands on dumbells to make harder
Dumbbell strict press
Dumbbell push press

For the pistol start by placing a small 2.5# or 5# plate under your heel if ankle mobility keeps you from being able to perform the movement. You must have the strength however to do a one legged squat already.

The next choice would be to place a band across J-Cups and do a pistol so your butt rests on the band and assists you in standing back up. This is greatfor those lacking the strength necessary to perform the one legged squat.

Next, you can stand on a small box and slowly lower your leg off the side,but trying not to touch the foot to the ground. This is great for those with hamstring flexibility issues that have trouble keeping the heel off the floor, but have the strength to do a one legged squat.

If you needed something to bring a smile to your face on a Monday… Here you go! Congrats to former CRCF Coaches Junior and Alex on their engagement!!! 

The Podcast is back!!! Click HERE do check it out and do us a favor while you’re there and give us a 5 star rating and a review. Also, let us know what subjects you would like to here us cover next! In this episode Coaches Wes, Brittany, and Brett talk about how to get back on track. 

Summer is over, the kids are back in school, and it’s time to get back into a routine. Listen in to find some tips we use to help ourselves get back to the best versions of ourselves. Click HERE to check out this episode and more!