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Tuesday 8-21-18

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4 KB snatches [2 R / 2 L] (70#/53#)
8 CTB Pull ups
12 Wall Balls (20#/14#)

55+ RX
4 KB snatches [2 R / 2 L] (53#/35#)
8 CTB Pull ups
12 Wall Balls (14#/10#)

The goal of today’s workout, is continuos movement. Pick a weight on the KB that feels heavy in your hand, but allows you to do two unbroken reps and work on the skill of transferring the kettle bell to the opposite hand, without having to set it down.
Pick a weight for the wall ball that you can perform 12 unbroken reps.

Constantly moving, very few breaks, lots of sweat are the themes today! Enjoy.

Congrats to Coast Range Nutrition client Alyssa Hawley on her recent Spartan Race 1st place finish! 

We will be holding our “Back on track” nutrition challenge October 1st. More info to come soon.