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Monday 8-20-18

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5 handstand push ups
10 alternating pistols
100m Sprint

55+ RX
5 DB Push Press (50#/35#)
10 Alternating pistols
100 m sprint

The goal of the HS push ups is to develop OH pressing strength and core stability awareness. Choose a modification that allows you to get 5 reps unbroken each round. This could mean for some, scaling UP to a strict HSPU if 5 is something you can do unbroken no problem.

For others, options include:
Decreasing R.O.M. by adding skull matts under head
Pike up on box
Pike up on box with hands on dumbells to make harder
Dumbbell strict press
Dumbbell push press

For the pistol start by placing a small 2.5# or 5# plate under your heel if ankle mobility keeps you from being able to perform the movement. You must have the strength however to do a one legged squat already.

The next choice would be to place a band across J-Cups and do a pistol so your butt rests on the band and assists you in standing back up. This is greatfor those lacking the strength necessary to perform the one legged squat.

Next, you can stand on a small box and slowly lower your leg off the side,but trying not to touch the foot to the ground. This is great for those with hamstring flexibility issues that have trouble keeping the heel off the floor, but have the strength to do a one legged squat.

If you needed something to bring a smile to your face on a Monday… Here you go! Congrats to former CRCF Coaches Junior and Alex on their engagement!!! 

The Podcast is back!!! Click HERE do check it out and do us a favor while you’re there and give us a 5 star rating and a review. Also, let us know what subjects you would like to here us cover next! In this episode Coaches Wes, Brittany, and Brett talk about how to get back on track. 

Summer is over, the kids are back in school, and it’s time to get back into a routine. Listen in to find some tips we use to help ourselves get back to the best versions of ourselves. Click HERE to check out this episode and more!