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Friday 8-24-18

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Back Squat
Find a 20RM

Time to test our Stregnth Endurance. We will take the hour to find a highvrep back squat.
We’ve seen this test take someone over a minute and a half to complete 20 reps!!! That’s a ton of time under tension. When done properly we usually see that it takes an athlete about 5-7 second to complete one rep. This is counting the down phase, struggle on the way up, and rest at the top before completing their next rep.
It’s not only a test of strength, but a mental test as well. Fuel up tonight and be ready to hit it hard tomorrow!

Coast Ranger and Coast Range Nutrition Client J.R. has seen great improvement in his riding since working with our Nutrition team. What do you want to get better at? Nutrition can help! Hit up our coaches at for a free one on one consult.