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Monday 9-10-18

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Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
20 T2B
10 left-arm overhead walking lunges
10 right-arm overhead walking lunges

Men: 50-lb. dumbbell
Women: 35-lb. dumbbell

55+ RX
Men: 40 lb dumbbell
Women: 25 lb dumbbell

Modify this workout so you can complete several rounds quickly and without rest.
It should tax your legs and midline while challenging your overhead flexibility.

Intermediate Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 T2B
10 left-arm overhead walking lunges
10 right-arm overhead walking lunges

Men: 45-lb. dumbbell
Women: 25-lb. dumbbell

Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 sit-ups
10 walking lunges
20-yard waiter walk

Men: 20-lb. dumbbell
Women: 10-lb. dumbbell

This week, we’re talking about sugar! Why do we crave it? How is it hidden in “healthy” foods? And more importantly, what can you do to avoid things like Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, and sudden death by knowing what to look for when shopping.

Saturday 9-8-18

By: 0

“Fight Gone Bad”
5 Rounds
1 minute at each station
Wall Balls (20#/14#)
SDHP (75#/55#)
Box Jumps (20″ both men and women)
Push press (75#/55#)
Row for Calories
Rest 1 minute
Re-Test June 27th

55+ RX
“Fight Gone Bad”
5 Rounds
1 minute at each station
Wall Balls (14#/10#)
SDHP (55#/45#)
Box Jumps (20″ both men and women)
*step down
Push press (55#/45#)
Row for Calories
Rest 1 minute

Friday 9-7-18

By: 0

Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push jerk 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Try to increase the load on each of the 15 reps.

55+ RX

Today tests your overhead strength in 3 different exercises,
each one progressively more difficult.
Newer athletes may perform more reps of
the later lifts to practice and improve skill.

Beginner Option
Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-1-1 reps
Push jerk 3-3-3-1-1 reps

Thursday 9-6-18

By: 0

5 rounds for time of:
100-meter sprint
10 squat clean thrusters
15 kettlebell swings
100-meter sprint

Rest 2 minutes

Men: 115 lb. and 2 pood (70#)
Women: 75 lb. and 1.5 pood (53#)

This is an interval workout with roughly a 1:1 work/rest ratio,
meaning each round of work should take about 2 minutes and be followed by 2 minutes of rest.
Reduce the loads and reps to ensure high speed in each round.
Ideally, the reps should be performed unbroken.

Intermediate & 55+ RX Option
5 rounds for time of:
100-meter sprint
8 squat clean thrusters
12 kettlebell swings
100-meter sprint
Rest 2 minutes

Men: 95 lb. and 1.5 pood
Women: 65 lb. and 1 pood

Beginner Option
5 rounds for time of:
100-meter sprint
8 thrusters
12 kettlebell swings
100-meter sprint
Rest 2 minutes

Men: 65 lb. and 1 pood
Women: 45 lb. and 1/2 pood

Tuesday 9-4-18

By: 0

For time:
30 muscle-ups

Although this workout will be very short for advanced athletes,
beginner and intermediate athletes should not worry about finishing quickly. Instead, scaling athletes should pick a modification that
offers an opportunity to practice the muscle-up and
improve strength and skill. If you’re currently
nowhere near a muscle-up, work on a
pulling exercise and a pushing exercise.

Intermediate & 55+ RX Option
Complete as many muscle-ups as possible in 15 minutes.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
5 strict pull-ups
5 ring dips

Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 ring rows, using a false grip
5 jumping dips, slowing the descent


We did it! A VLOG ( I think that’s what it’s called??). For those of you who would rather listen to us instead of watching, click HERE to listen on Itunes or HERE if you’re an Android user.

This week we dive into life hacks that you can apply today to effect your health and wellness and the science behind them.

Monday 9-3-18

By: 0

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
25 burpees
15 body-weight back squats

55+ RX

This long couplet will challenge your will as much as your body.
Choose reps and loads that allow you to maintain a steady pace with limited breaks.
You may or may not be able to complete the squats in one set,
and the later rounds will be particularly challenging.
Newer athletes might want to reduce the duration of the workout.

Intermediate Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
20 burpees
10 ¾-body-weight back squats

Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
12 burpees
12 empty-bar back squats

Saturday 9-1-18

By: 0

For time:
50 bar muscle-ups

55+ RX
30 Bar Muscle Ups

Reduce the reps and modify the movement to the most difficult gymnastics pulling exercise that you can perform for several reps. If possible, maintain an assisted version of a muscle-up.

Intermediate Option
For time:
30 bar muscle-ups

Beginner Option
For time:
30 jumping bar muscle-ups

Friday 8-31-18

By: 0

For time:
21 deadlifts
Run 400 meters
18 deadlifts
Run 400 meters
15 deadlifts
Run 400 meters
12 deadlifts
Run 400 meters

Men: 225 lb.
Women: 155 lb.

55+ RX
Men: 185 lb.
Women: 125 lb.

Lighten the deadlift so that the first set of 21 can be
performed unbroken and still allow you to run fast.
The load should be moderately heavy but
not require excessive rest to complete each set.

Intermediate Option
For time:
21 deadlifts
Run 400 meters
18 deadlifts
Run 400 meters
15 deadlifts
Run 400 meters
12 deadlifts
Run 400 meters

Men: 185 lb.
Women: 125 lb.

Beginner Option
For time:
15 deadlifts
Run 400 meters
12 deadlifts
Run 400 meters
9 deadlifts
Run 400 meters

Men: 135 lb.
Women: 95 lb.

Thursday 8-30-18

By: 0


Complete as many rounds as possible in 28 minutes of:
9 overhead squats
1 legless rope climb from seated
12 bench presses

Men: 115-lb. OHS and bench, 15-ft. rope
Women: 75-lb. OHS and bench, 15-ft. rope

This is a longer Hero WOD that presents challenging
movements and a huge demand on the shoulders.
Reduce the loading and pick a challenging modification for the rope climb.

Intermediate Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 28 minutes of:
9 overhead squats
1 legless rope climb
12 bench presses

Men: 95-lb. OHS and bench, 15-ft. rope
Women: 65-lb. OHS and bench, 15-ft. rope

Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
9 overhead squats
1 rope climb, lying to standing
12 bench presses

Men: 45-lb. OHS and bench
Women: 35-lb. OHS and bench