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Saturday 4-28-18

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AMRAP 3:00 x 4
12 Hang Squat Cleans 155/105lbs
12 Ring Dips
HS Walk for distance in remaining time
Rest 2:00

55+ RX
AMRAP 3:00 x 4
12 Hang Squat Cleans 105/75lbs
12 HR Push ups
Bear crawl with hips above shoulders in remaining time
Rest 2:00

Saturday’s are for SHOTS!!! But this shot wont make you feel groggy the next day. In fact, it’ll make you feel GREAT! Might even get rid of that cold you feel coming on. 

Juice: 7oz ginger, 6oz tumeric, and 3 lemons. Save it in the fridge for the week and take a shot of it every morning when you wake up! Bye Bye sickness, hello fitness! 

Thursday 4-26-18

By: 0

Back Squat
4×5 @75%


50 Strict Pull Ups
For Quality

Focus on range of motion, not just minimum Chin over Bar
*scale using partner assisted strict pull ups.

55+ RX

Why the cool down walk after each workout? The key to recovery is blood flow. The quicker we start “clearing” the body of waste and replacing that with new oxygenated blood, the quicker we recover and can workout again. Walking, instead of siting or laying on the floor starts this process.

Another BIG reason is the power of community that comes from shared suffering. This is why military members refer to their cohorts as “brothers” or “sisters” after going through bootcamp or a deployment together. The cool down walk offers the class the opportunity to relish in their shared suffering and make those bonds stronger. 

Tuesday 4-24-18

By: 0

Deadlift (15 minutes)
4×4 @ 72.5-82.5% of 1RM


3 Rounds (12 min cap)
100 Double Unders
15 Double DB Snatch 35/25lbs
Rest :90

55+ RX
Deadlift (15 minutes)
4×4 @72.5-82.5% of 1RM


3 Rounds (12 min cap)
70 Double Unders
15 Double DB Snatch 25/18lbs

JoJo’s heard the new podcast, have you?!?! Coaches; Britt, Wes, and Brett re-cap this years Open and give their both personal and member highlights. Click HERE to listen on iTunes.