TEAMS of 3
20/14 Calorie Row
20 Single Arm KB Snatch (70#/53#)
*10 on 1 arm, then 10 on the other
2 Rope Climbs
***Each athlete will start on a seperate station.
Ahtletes may not move onto the next station
until the athlete in front of them has completed
the prescribed amount of reps at that station.
INT / 55+ RX
14/10 cal row
35#/18# KB
2 lower to raise on rope
****Reminder, tonight we are doing 20.1 at our
6:30pm class. If you’d like to take a crack at
the first Open workout of the year, this will
be your first chance.
We will also program in 20.1 to our normal
Saturday classes each week. Please be sure
to link up with a friend to help judge you during
the WOD.
2019 10 09