Back Squat (15 minutes) Find 1RM Then... For Time (5 min cap) 25 Sandbag or DBall Cleans 150/100lbs 55+RX For Time (5 min cap) 25 Sandbag or DBall Cleans (100#/80#) Meet Julian! One of Coast Range's newest members. A former Army Veteran, Julian is looking forward to a career as…
For Time 60 Single Arm DB Clean and Jerk 50/35lbs 50 Push Ups 40 Alternating DB Squat Snatch 30 Kipping HSPU 20 DB Overhead Squats 10 Strict HSPU" *Cleans can be from the hang and alternated as much as you'd like. 55+ RX "For Time 40 Single Arm DB Clean…
EMOM 24 MIN Min 1: Bike 15/10 Calories Min 2: 50 Double Unders Min 3: Row 15/10 Calories Min 4: 15 Burpees to 6" Target 55+ RX EMOM 16 MIN MIN 1: Bike 12/9 Calories Min 2: 40 double unders Min 3: Row 12/9 Calories Min 4: 10 burpees to…
I want you to think about the four people you hang out with the most. Write down or make a mental list describing each one of these people. Now put them all together and that is you. There is a saying out there that you are a combination of the…
12 Min to establish a 1RM Deadlift Then... AMRAP 10 MIN 50 Medicine ball cleans (20#/14#) 400m Run *Pick a medball weight that you can do 50 MB Cleans unbroken on the first round. This doesn't mean it's gonna be easy. You'll feel the BURN but, don't choose a ball…
For Time 100 Front Squat 135/95lbs Every break complete 10 Strict HSPU 55+ RX For Time 80 Front Squat 95lbs/65lbs Every break complete 10 HR Push ups Vanessa is one bad ass mom!
3 Rounds (55+ RX= 95#/65#) 12 Hang Power Snatch 135/95lbs 12 Push Press 24 Bar Facing Burpees Rest :60 Meet new Coast Rangers Anthony and Austin! Welcome to the family you two :)
Teams of 3 (55+ RX = 14lb/10lb wall ball) 50-35-20 Wallballs 20/14lbs Push Ups Calorie Row *Each athlete starts at a different modality. Can't move to next modality until athlete in front of you is done. We hear ya Diane!
For Time 9 Power Cleans 225/155lbs (55+RX 155lbs/105lbs) 9 Front Squats 9 Push Jerk 27 T2B 6 Power Cleans 6 Front Squats 6 Push Jerk 18 T2B 3 Power Cleans 3 Front Squats 3 Push Jerk 9 T2B Preschool camps are back! Designed for 3-5 year olds, our camps keep them…
Run 1 Mile x 3 (55+RX = same) Rest 3:00 min between attempts This is a max effort attempt each time. No holding back! [caption id="attachment_10622" align="aligncenter" width="285"] The Scale and Your Mindset[/caption] What's your relationship with the scale? Nutrition Coach Brett talks about how the scale is just one…