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Wednesday 1-17-18

By: 0


Prior to 8:00, complete:
3 rounds of:
6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 squat snatches, 95/65 lb.
Then, 3 rounds of:
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5 squat snatches, 135/95 lb.
*Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of:
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
4 squat snatches, 185/135 lb.
*Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of:
9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
3 squat snatches, 225/155 lb.
*Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of:
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 squat snatches, 245/175 lb.
Prior to 24:00, complete 3 rounds of:
11 chest-to-bar pull-ups
1 squat snatch 265/185 lb.

*If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4 minutes.

“Flight Simulator”
Complete for time:

5 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
50 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
5 unbroken double unders

You must stop between sets. You cannot jump single-unders between sets. Time cutoff is 25 minutes.

Monday 1-15-18

By: 0

15 min to work up to a max
1 power clean + 5 push press

REST 2 MIN… Then…

5 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Deadlifts (with heaviest weight used
for complex above)

On a 25-minute clock, 5 rounds of:
Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
Row for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
Row for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Row for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds
Row for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds

Saturday 1-13-18

By: 0


Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
15 squat cleans, 135 / 85 lb.

If completed before 4 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
13 squat cleans, 185 / 115 lb.

If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
11 squat cleans, 225 / 145 lb.

If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
9 squat cleans, 275 / 175 lb.

If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
7 squat cleans, 315 / 205 lb.

Stop at 20 minutes.

Friday 1-12-18

By: 0

Death By Power Snatch (Cap at 10 minutes)
EMOM for as long as possible: 5 PS (135#/95#)


Death By Burpee Box Jump Over (Cap at 10 minutes)
EMOM for as long as possible: 10 BBJO’s (24″/20″)

For Time
200/150 Calorie row
*Every 3 minutes perform
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

Wednesday 1-10-18

By: 0

Thruster (95#/65#)
Pull up

EMOM until failure
1: Burpee
2: Row
3: Bike
4: Rest
*Start at 8 calories (reps for the burpees) and go up to 20
by 1’s. If you make it to 20 your done. If you fail to finish
the round of 20, add up the unfinished calories and subtract
it from the overall total. You must then complete that number
of burpees.