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Wednesday 7-11-18

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Max UB strict HSPU’s
*Use EXACT same scale as
you used on June 8th.


AMRAP 10 Minutes
40′ HS Walk
12 DB Snatch 75/55lbs

55+ RX
AMRAP 10 Minutes
4 Wall Walks
12 DB Snatch 50/35lbs

Theme: Unilateral strength balance, high skill gymnastics

Scary! Walking on your hands!!!

When did we stop being kids????

I used to walk on my hands all the time as kid growing up.
For no reason, other than it was FUN!

I wish i’d known back then what I know now. That walking on your hands builds rotator cuff strength and promotes a healthy joint in the elbow and wrist.
That it also builds awareness of what a neutral spine is and
more importantly, what it is NOT! A kinistetic awarness that benifits
every one at some level. And finally that, oh yea… IT’S FUN!

The handstand walk can be modified for every athlete regardless of ability level, but the athletes that will benefit the most are those who have never done it!
A good modification for the HS Walk would be the following:

Can hold a HS, and do 1 or more strict HSPUs
HS Walk, but modify to distance you can complete in no more than four sets.
Don’t get stuck on to complete a “distance”, instead shoot for 4 sets each round.
If you make 40′ in less than four sets, than good on you!
Move on to the next movement.

Can hold a HS, but can not do a HSPU
20 alternating shoulder taps against a
wall, or 20 hand shifts back and forth each round. This will promote the building of the skill, while working the strength needed in the shoulders and midlineto hold a handstand.

Cannot do a HS, but can do 3-5 strict push ups
Wheel barrow walk with upper body while dragging feet behind
on turf. Place your toes in the holes of a 5# or 2.5# metal plate and drag your feet behind you for 20′ each round. This is HARD and many may not be able to do. It’s actually a good modification UP for someone who can easily do shoulder taps. Don’t believe it can be done?
Here is proof

Cannot do a HS and push ups are HARD for you
Bear crawl 40′ with hips higher than your shoulders.
The higher the hips are over the shoulder, the more demand you will place on the shoulder. This is a great and bad modification all at the same time. On one hand, you can make a ton of improvement in both skill and strength if you really push yourself on the height of the hip and the stimulus of the movement. This can be hard for someone
who has never done a HS Walk before, as they don’t know what the “stimulus” feels like.

A good parallel you can draw is thinking of the effort it takes to do a wall climb as high as you can (as this is a very common modification for a HSPU). One wall climb could be seen as a 10-15′ HS Walk, depending on bodyweight. So when doing the bear crawls, they
should be so hard you have to stop at lest twice, maybe 3 times each round during the HS Walk portion of the workout. This should help you determine if your hip is high enough. So if you’re doing all 40′ unbroken no problem, you need to make it harder.

The weight on the DB Snatches should be something you can’t recycle reps from one hand to another. You should have to put the weight down to the ground, switch hands, and go again.

The king of hotdogs, is also the king of calories! Holly cow…