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Wednesday 2-21-18

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Back Squat

*A new athlete, versus
a veteran
athlete should approach
this differently. A new athlete
should work up to a 3RM, eventually
failing at 2 reps, as knowing your 3RM is
important for developing more strength in
the future.

If you are a higher level athlete or know
your 3RM, you will benifit more by working up
to between 80% or 90% and performing
5 X 3 at that percentage. This will lead to
greater strength gains, then just working up
to a 3RM.


AMRAP 2 MIN: Max Double unders

AMRAP 3 MIN: Max Calorie Bike

AMRAP 4 MIN: Max distance run (200 m shuttles)

AMRAP 5 MIN: Max rounds of “Cindy”

AMRAP 4 MIN: Max distance run (200’s)

AMRAP 3 MIN: Max calorie Bike

AMRAP 2 MIN: Max double unders

*The goal of this workout is to pace appropriately to get the same or better score on the second time around. Be smart and don’t come out too fast. Spend some time before, calculating goals on each piece then stick to a plan. Don’t just go through the workout blindly. 

For example: I would like to hit 200+ DU’s on each round knowing that I can do 100 doulbe unders in 55 seconds if I don’t trip up. 

I would like to hit 60 calories on the bike, knowing that 20 calories a minute is challenging but not 100% effort. 

I would like to hit 900+ meters on the run. A moderate effort 200 is about 45 seconds for me, so this is do-able, but not to lofty of a goal, knowing that i’ll be in a bit of a deficit at this point in the workout. 

I would like to push myself to get 10+ rounds on CINDY. This is going to be a challenge at this point of the workout, but that’s what CrossFit is for. To challenge ourselves. 

Come join us tomorrow at 5pm to watch 18.1 revealed! BYOB