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Tuesday 7-31-18

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For Time (12 min cap)
Power Snatch (115#/85#)
Bar Facing Burpee

55+ RX
Power Snatch (95#/65#)
Bar Facing Burpee


Skill work
Barbell Split Jerk

This rep scheme is a set of numbers called Fibonnaci.
It is a series of numbers in which each number
(Fibonacci number) is the sum of the two preceding numbers.

The goal of this workout is to PUSH yourself to an uncomfortable place. For veteran athletes this will be on the snatches. But for a new athlete this will be on the burpees as the power snatch is too complex of a movement to allow them to push hard and
maintain proper mechanics.

Veteran athletes focus on fast smooth unbroken power snatches but try to go unbroken on each set. This means being deliberate and pacing correctly on the burpees to work on cycling the power snatches.

Newer athletes, push HARD on the bar facing burpees to purposefully get your heart rate up, but take your time on the snatches and move with proper mechanics every rep.
Some may even need to bring the reps down on the rounds of 8 and 13.

Krichie and his wife Ellaine have definitely drank the cool aid!