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Tuesday 7-17-18

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8 Rounds
25 box jump overs (24″/20″)
Max distance Farmers Walk (athlete picks weight)
Rest 30 seconds

55+ RX
25 jumping air squats (be sure to hit depth)
Max distance farmers walk (athlete picks weight)
Rest 30 seocnds

This workout is meant to simulate the demands a dirt bike rider will go through when racing.
The box jump overs are ideally done “latterly” and at a height you can cycle 25 UB, but you should start to feel the “burn” around rep 20-25. Don’t choose too high of a box where you have to stop before rep 15. Push towards the burn!

Take NO BREAK to the farmers carries. These should be done in 50′ increments with a weight that you must put down after 100′ of travel. So push on the weight. This is to simulate the grip strength and grip endurance needed on the bike.

By pushing the blood into the legs and then demanding the grip to work, we will see fatigue set in FAST on the grip. This is a similar feeling to what we saw happen last week with the wall ball, kb swing, run workout.

Red meat get’s a bad wrap, but when we take the time and do the research we find that red meat actually has an amazing profile of nutrients that you wont find in other “healthy” meats like chicken. But, before you run out and buy all the steaks you can fit in your grocery cart, be sure to find grass fed and finished meat first. Because if the cow ate it, so are you! 
If you’re interested in finding out more about nutrition or overhauling your diet, be sure to email Coast Range Nutrition at and set up a free one on one consult with one of our certified sports nutritionists.