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Tuesday 7-10-18

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Burpee Box jump Over 30/24″
Toes to bar

55+ RX
Burpee Box Step Overs (24″/20″)
Weighted Sit ups (35#/25#)

Theme: Gymnastics

A purely gymnastics test, today’s workout looks to build core strength, specifically in the hip flexors and lower abdominals,
as well as work muscle endurance in a decending rep scheme
that keeps you going and motivated as the workout progresses.
An easy mental win comes with each round as you chip away
at what should be unbroken sets of T2B and “smart” delibrated
paced burpee box jump overs.

Knowing the toes to bar are ideally looking for unbroken sets,
scale the number of repititions where you can get large sets
(for you) unbroken. A good modifaction rep scheme that
would work well for someone who can do 5-8 ubroken toes to
bar, would be 5-4-3-2-1-5-4-3-2-1.

As the decending rep scheme goes down, conifidence goes up
but the abdominals and hip flexors are getting more time
to recover as well. This is when we push the body back into
another large set, but something achievable.

Pick a height on the box that allows you to jump and not have to
step up with each rep, as the “jumping” action will elevate the
heart rate more than a step up would. This is the desired effect
of a burpee box jump over. This could be modified to burpees
plate jump overs on a 45# plate for those who are concerned of
jumping or simply can’t jump as high as a 20″ box. Any height
in between is encouraged as long as it still promotes a strong
steady pace on the movement. While a little time will be taken setting up to make the jump, no excessive breaks should be spent.

The quest for a 1 minute L-Sit continues!  5:30am doing the work.