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Thursday 7-26-18

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Run 400 meters
Max pull ups

55+ RX

A classic benchmark (put it in Zen Planner), Nicole not only tests your aerobic capacity, but also your muscle endurance. Spend some time trying to game this one to give yourself maximum opportunities on the pull ups (your score). The last thing you want is to come off the bar on your last round with something like a minute left on
the clock. Not enough time to run a 400, but wasted time that could have been planned out a little better on the runs.

This would be my plan:
Runs = 1:30
Rest = :30
Pull ups = 20 reps (:30)
Transition to run = :30
each round = 3:00

This would put me finishing my last round at 19:30, so it gives me 30 seconds of “fatigue” factored into the workout. This is time spent getting chalk or going over on my run just slightly. But the point is that it gives me a goal of hitting between 180-200 pull ups.

So be sure to take some time today and start by figuring out how long a 400m run would take you if you were to push at about 80% effort. If you think longer than 2 minutes, then scale the distance back.
From there think about how many pull ups you’d like to do unbroken each round. Bands will be our scale today before going to ring rows. Each pull up takes just over a second to 2 seconds depending on kip speed.
Now, factor in transition time and fatigue. This will give you a good plan of attack on the workout.

Throwback Thursday to our one year anniversary party.  I can’t believe it’s been 5 YEARS!!!! This years party is August 18th!  What should this years theme be?