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Thursday 7-12-18

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For Time
150 wall balls (20#/14# @ 10′)
100 KB Swings (53#/35#)
Run 1 mile

55+ RX
For Time
100 Wall Balls (14# @ 10′ /10# @ 9′)
75 KB Swings (44#/26#)
Run 1 mile

Theme: Mental tougness, muscular endurance,
cardiorespiratory respiratory endurance

This workout is a grind, both physically and mentally. Pairing
a squat (wallball) with and hinge (KB Swing), is a nasty combo.
While we are using alot of “big movers”, the weight of both the
wall ball and the kettlebell rewards the mentally tougher athletes.

When picking a weight today for the wallball, choose one that
you could do 75-100 reps unbroken if asked to. Now this doesn’t
mean you will do this, but if the ONLY test was to do 75-100 wall-balls unbroken you could do this. For some this means modifying to an air squat.
I would suggest most try to shoot for sets of 25-30 reps unbroken,
with no longer than 10 seconds rest between sets. This has you
finishing the wall balls around 6 – 7 minutes.

If you do modify to an air squat, a good goal to shoot for is 75
to 100 reps without stopping! A challenging mental battle, but
physically one that anyone in our gym can accomplish.

Choose a KB weight that you could do sets of 40-50 reps
unbroken. Light! If there aren’t enough KBs, use a light dumbbell
and hold it by one end. A grip challenger and great modification.

Shoot to finish the KB swings in under 6 minutes. This means
heading out for the run around 12-13 minutes.

Goal is to have everyone finish in under 25 minutes.

Looking good!