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Thursday 5-10-18

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Back Squat
3×7 @70%


Max Set of Pull Ups x 3

Rest as needed
*Modify with partner pull ups


How can you use DISCIPLINE to help those around you? Many think finding discipline in ourselves is a “selfish” thing, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Discipline is what keeps us from spending hours on our phones. Discipline is what gets us to bed early and makes us prep our food. Discipline is what gives us the freedom to spend time with our loved ones because we aren’t wasting time on things like instagram or sitting in a drive through line for that “quick” meal (check out how coach Britt found out this wastes more time than you think HERE). This is why Discipline is one of CRCF’s Core Values! How can you be more disciplined to help those around you more?