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Monday 7-9-18

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4 Rounds
21 Sumo DLHP (you pick weight)
3 Rope Climbs
Run 400m

55+ RX
4 Rounds
21 SDHP (you pick weight)
1 Rope Climb
Run 400m

Theme: weakness awarness

Stimulus: Today’s workout is a mixed modal domain workout, testing core to extremity movement, high skill gymnastics, grip strength, as well as our cardio respiratory endurance.

A well rounded workout that has no where to hide. Have a weakness in gymnastics, but love the barbell? You may be able to crush the barbell, but will be exposed in the rope climbs or run.

Opposite is true for the endurance lovers! Make up some time on the rope climb and run, but know the most benefit for you comes in the form of a barbell.

Set a goal for yourself, every time you touch the barbell to do large unbroken sets while pushing yourself on the weight to something you can do at least 6 reps, but not exceeding 15.

This will be a good weight to encourage strength gains,
while still helping you maintain good mechanics.

For our stronger population, take the opposite approach. Choose a weight on the barbell you can accomplish all 21 reps unbroken at a fairly fast pace. Now set some goals on the run. For a higher level athlete a sub 1:30 four hundred meter run every round would be
a great goal for a male athlete.
While a sub 1:50 would be awesome for a stronger female to shoot for every round.

This is running a 400 meter interval at about 90% effort of your PR Mile pace. It should be very uncomfortable for an athlete who struggles at endurance modalities.
The parallel could be mad of the effort it takes to back-squat or deadlift 90% of your 1RM.
The same effort should be put forth here.

It’s not goodbye, it’s “see ya later” Jess! Jess had her last workout with us this past Thursday, before her and the family make their move to Texas. A new and exciting future is definitely in store for this amazing family, but just know we will truly miss you Jess and Haz Man! See you at Christmas!