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Monday 7-30-18

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5 CTB pull ups
10 Wall Balls (30#/20#)
15 KB Swings (80#/62#)

55+ RX
10 Wall balls (20# @ 10’/ 14# @ 9′)
15 KB Swings (53#/35#)



A direct attempt to build our ability to handle large chunks of pulling
from overhead.
I’ve noticed that almost every time we do a workout that involves larger sets of pull ups, people seem to be wrecked for days after. Whether that be there hands, biceps, or back.
We will make an attempt to remedy this by biasing towards more pull ups more regularly in an attempt to change this.

If you don’t have CTB pull ups modify with regular pull ups, banded
strict pull ups, or ring rows.
Wall balls should be heavy. Go for a ball you normally wouldn’t use. Even if you are having to break up the 10 wall balls in two sets.
KB Swings are also on the heavier side as well. This means the workout will warrant more rest in between movements than we would normally like to see in our workouts.

Push yourself today to use a little heavier wall ball, try some pull ups (even if they are singles), and swing a little heavier KB.

We had a handful of athletes complete their on ramps this past week. Mike and Marisa were two of them. Husband and wife, Marisa has done CF in the past but Mike is new to the scene. Were excited to have them join the Coast Range Family. If you see them in class be sure to introduce yourself and make them feel welcome!