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Friday 7-6-18

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5 handstand push ups
10 alternating pistols
15 pull ups

55+ RX
5 push ups
10 Air Squats
15 pull ups

Theme: Gymnastics / muscle endurance
Time Domain: Long
Loading: bodyweight

Another bodyweight day, but working on gymnastics and muscle endurance today.
We also add more skill based movements that will demand more of the CNS than yesterdays row and jump workout. So while, yes, this is a bodyweight workout look out for this one. Athlete can accumulate over 200 pull ups, 100 pistols, & 80 HSPU’s quickly in this workout. So let’s be sure to be drinking a ton of water the rest of the day to help with DOMS (delayed, onset, muscle, soreness) in the biceps and triceps.

Is your poor mobility holding you back? In just six short weeks John saw amazing improvements and was able to transfer that to PRs in the gym. If you’d like to sit down for a free one on one talk with Coach Wes about setting up a personalized program to help you with your mobility (or any goal you may have), email him at