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Friday 7-13-18

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Max time in an L-Sit
*Rx is on rings with
Rings 12″ off floor. Scale by
brining rings up to 24″, then to
a 24″ box. Knees can tuck, but
heels must stay in front of body
and heels can’t touch floor.


Every other minute on the minute for 14 Minutes
Full Snatch + 2 Hang Snatch
As Heavy As Possible
Weight can move up and down across seven sets

Theme: Core strength Test, high skill weightlifting.

This is a mid cycle Test on our L-Sit with the overall goal to have the majority of the gym able to hold a 60 seconds L-Sit. Our last test showed a gym average of 34.7 seconds.
Improving our hip flexor strength has massive transfer over to almost every movement we do in CrossFit. Anything where the hip must flex and extend is improved with a longer L-Sit. Examples include:
Olympic lifting
Kipping pull ups
Kipping HSPU’s
Wall Balls
Push Press
Push Jerk
KB swing
DB/KB Snatch
Broad jump
Muscle up
Bar Muscle up….
This list can go on, but I’ll stop there.

Next, we move to another Hip dominated movement in the Snatch complex. An amazing opportunity for all skill levels to improve in all 10 of the general physical skills
1. Cardio respiratory endurnace
2. Stamina
3. Strength
4. Flexibility
5. Power
6. Speed
7. Coordination
8. Agility
9. Balance
10. Accuracy
Just 1 rep of the snatch involves all 10 of these skills. Just as improving your L-Sit has transference to a vast list of movements, doing one rep of a snatch has just as, if not more cary over to every task we may come across in our lives, even though it may
not directly mimic a movement we would do in our day to day routines.
Higher level athletes will look to push the percentage as high as possible to their 1RM hang snatch, with the goal of both challenging themselves muscularly and neurologically. Another good goal to shoot for is trying to hit the weight you used on the snatch, hang snatch complex we did on Friday June 29th.

A newer athlete may not see as much of a challenge muscularly, but the neurological demands will be great as they learn to link the movement together.
Remember it goes “Mechanics, Consistency, and then Intensity”. If you cannot perform the squat snatch with your eyes closed and with no mobility restrictions that could cause injury in the shoulder or hip, then emphasis should be placed on light weight and learning
the movement. Pick something to focus on like footwork, or bar path.

Stick to one thing however and don’t try to fix everything at once. You will overwhelm yourself and may not make any improvements. One thing at a time, until you can do it with your eyes closed.

Nutrition, Sleep, and recovery built this.