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Thursday 9-6-18

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5 rounds for time of:
100-meter sprint
10 squat clean thrusters
15 kettlebell swings
100-meter sprint

Rest 2 minutes

Men: 115 lb. and 2 pood (70#)
Women: 75 lb. and 1.5 pood (53#)

This is an interval workout with roughly a 1:1 work/rest ratio,
meaning each round of work should take about 2 minutes and be followed by 2 minutes of rest.
Reduce the loads and reps to ensure high speed in each round.
Ideally, the reps should be performed unbroken.

Intermediate & 55+ RX Option
5 rounds for time of:
100-meter sprint
8 squat clean thrusters
12 kettlebell swings
100-meter sprint
Rest 2 minutes

Men: 95 lb. and 1.5 pood
Women: 65 lb. and 1 pood

Beginner Option
5 rounds for time of:
100-meter sprint
8 thrusters
12 kettlebell swings
100-meter sprint
Rest 2 minutes

Men: 65 lb. and 1 pood
Women: 45 lb. and 1/2 pood