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Thursday 8-23-18

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10 Rounds For time
10 Power Snatches (95#/65#)
10 bar facing burpees

55 + RX
7 Rounds for time
10 power snatches (75#/55#)
10 bar facing burpees

A light weight on the barbell, but the total reps will eventually make you break up the snatches. Ideally it’s something you can do in two sets or less.
The goal is to practice cycling the barbell today. Setting yourself back up into a good starting position every time. Avoid allowing the chest to shoot towards the floor and the hip to sit to high when you return the bar to the floor.
Instead, take the time to work on re-establishing the hook grip on the way down, keeping the bar close to the body, and getting into as perfect a set up position as you can every rep.

Be smart on the bar facing burpees. Pick a moderate to slow pace that you can keep for all ten rounds. Avoid coming out too hot and dying in the 5th round.

Think of today as an opportunity to “train” your ability to cycle the olympic lift and work on your pace on the bar facing burpee. Don’t chase a time, rather chase as good of movement as you can.

Coach Adelina taking our “Pre Teens” through the importance of healthy eating and exercise. Does  your kid want to try out our CF Kids class? Come on by! They can try a week free. Classes are held T-W-Th each week.