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Thursday 7-5-18

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5 Rounds
Row 300m
Max Double Unders

Rest 2:00-3:00 min between

Class Cash out
Accumlate 2 min L-Sit on 2 45# plates
stacked on one another.

Theme: Cardiorespiratory endurance
Time domain: Short with about a 1:1 work to rest ratio
depending on trip ups with double unders
Loading: Bodyweight

After the 4th of July we’re gonna assume that not everyone
ate or slept the best yesterday. And after a pretty gnarly Monday
and Tuesday as far as workouts go, it’s a good day to flush out
some of that waste and sweat out some of that crappy food
and drink.

We stick to the regularly scheduled program with more ab
accesory work. 60 second L-Sit hold in our sites!

Calling all Giants fans!!!! We’ll be tailgating at the stadium around 11am this Saturday, then catching the afternoon game at 1:05pm. Come hang out with us! A’s fans can come too…