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Tuesday 3-27-18

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6 Rounds
12 DB Deadlift (50#/35#)
6 DB Front rack reverse lunge
100M sprint
REST 2 MIN Between rounds

55+ RX
4 rounds
12 DB Deadlift (35#/25#)
6 DB Front rack reverse lunge
100M sprint
REST 2 MIN Between rounds

*Each round is a MAX EFFORT sprint attempt.
Athletes will give 100% to the run, with the goal
being to dig themselves into a hole in the first
round. Don’t hold back! Run straight to the 200 m mark for
100m run so you don’t have to do a turn around for the run.
This will keep the workout a MAX EFFORT attemp. Walk
back after the run.

High Intensity Interval Pyramid starting at 250 meters
Set your monitor for a variable interval workout as follows,
with no rest between intervals:
250m, 250m,
200m, 200m,
150m, 150m,
100m, 100m,
150m, 150m,
200m, 200m,
250m, 250m.
Row the first 250m at a moderate pace,
then 250m at an intense pace,
then 200m moderate,
then 200m intense,
and so on down to 100 meters,
then work your way back up to 250 meters in the same manner.