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Friday 12-22-17

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6 Back squats (225#/155#) *From the ground
8 Def HSPU’s (8”/6″)
12 BF Burpees

5 Sets
Hold a 1:39/1:50 five hundred meter pace for as long as possible
Rest 2 minutes between efforts

*After a break from the barbell or a full rest day for most, it’s time to get back to the GAINZ!
The barbell weight should be a HEAVY PC! We’re approaching
about 75% of our 1RM PC or 60% of our 1RM Back squat.
You aren’t going to want to put the back squat down so you don’t have to clean it again.
*Scale the Deficit HSPUs with height first, Regular Kipping second,
reps third, and finally seated DB Z presses with a weight you can only get 4-6 at a time.

*For the endurance class we are looking for the athlete to be
able to get around 600-1k meters.